evosoft awarded as one of the best employers for women in Germany
evosoft GmbH has been awarded as one of the best employers for women in Germany by the BRIGITTE Academy and the personnel marketing agency TERRITORY EMBRACE.
evosoft awarded as one of the best employers for women in Germany
evosoft GmbH has been awarded as one of the best employers for women in Germany by the BRIGITTE Academy and the personnel marketing agency TERRITORY EMBRACE.
evosoft GmbH awarded the NewWork Excellence seal of quality
evosoft GmbH has been awarded the NewWork Excellence seal of approval by bayme (Bavarian Association of Metal and Electrical Companies e. V.) and vbm (Association of
evosoft Business Conference 2022 in Budapest
On 22.11. and 23.11.2022 the first evosoft Business Conference took place at the evosoft Hungary Kft. headquarters Univerzum in Budapest. As closely connected companies, evosoft Hungary
Application of the W3C Web of Things standard in the Wunsiedel hydrogen generation plant
One of Germany’s largest green hydrogen generation plants went on stream in Wunsiedel, Upper Franconia, on September 14, 2022. A good year after the official groundbreaking
At the beginning of September 2022, Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger, President of FAU (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen) and Helmut Ziegler, Head of Technology & Innovation at evosoft and
evosoft GmbH has received the ISO 9001 certification
evosoft GmbH is ISO 9001:2015 certified. ISO 9001:2015 is an internationally recognized standard for the specification of requirements for the quality management system and process management,
evosoft GmbH has received the ISO 27001 certification
evosoft GmbH has been ISO/IEC 27001:2017 certified since 2022. ISO/IEC 27001:2017 is an internationally recognized standard for specifying requirements for an information security management system. This
Donation handover to Hospiz Team Nürnberg e.V.
On Monday, 31.01.2022, Damaris Meyer, CFO of evosoft GmbH, handed over a donation of 7000 Euro to the association Hospiz Team Nürnberg e.V. With this donation,
How to: Designing IT and OT data integration sustainably
News from the Sensor Technology Cluster: Software applications understand the Internet-of-Things as their nervous system. The Internet of Things opens up new opportunities to gain real-time